Water Safety Tips
According to The State of Home Safety in America™ report, drowning is the fifth leading cause of unintentional injury related death. Drowning is a silent and sudden event, and many drowning deaths at home are related to swimming pools. Since drowning victims often do not make any noise once in distress, constant supervision around any body of water is critical. Adopt the following guidelines to help keep your pool area safe:
- Install four-sided fencing with self-locking and self-closing gates. Fencing should completely isolate the pool from the home and be least five feet high.
- Always keep gates closed and latched. Never prop a gate open or disable the lock.
- Always practice constant, adult supervision around any body of water, including pools, bathtubs and spas. Never leave your child alone or in the care of another child.
- When hosting a pool party, assign specific adults to keep an eye on the pool at all times.
- Enroll non-swimmers in swimming lessons taught by a qualified instructor.
- Remember that regardless of age or skill level, no one is “drown proof.” Children should always be supervised by an adult while they are swimming.
- Never swim alone. Even adults should swim with a buddy.
- Learn and practice basic life-saving techniques, including First Aid and CPR. Insist that anyone who cares for your children learn CPR.
- Keep poolside rescue equipment and a cordless, water resistant telephone close to the pool area.
- Post emergency numbers and CPR instructions near the pool area.
- Teach children that drains, grates and filters are not toys. Never stick fingers or toes in these openings and stay away from suction devices.
- Always remove toys from the pool area when not in use.
- Post safety rules in a highly visible location. Make sure children are familiar with the rules.
- Keep spas and hot tubs covered and locked when not in use.
- Completely remove pool and spa covers prior to swimming.
- Stay out of the pool during severe weather and thunderstorms, especially if lightning is forecast or present.
- If a child is missing, check the pool area first.
These & Additional Safety Tips from Home Safety Council